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Chemical composition Oligoclase feldspar
An example of a rough Illusion or Confetti Sunstone from Africa
Photo courtesy of Ben Pfeiffer

Oregon Sunstone

Oregon Sunstone with Schiller 44.60 ct
Photo courtesy of Jeffrey Hunt and One World Gemstone

Oregon Sunstone 20.15 ct
Photo courtesy of Jeffrey Hunt and One World Gemstone

Oregon Sunstone Schiller 35.00 ct
Photo courtesy of Jeffrey Hunt and One World Gemstone

Oregon Sunstone with Schiller 54.45 ct
Photo courtesy of Jeffrey Hunt and One World Gemstone

Sunstone image gallery

One significant source of sunstone is Oregon, USA where it is the official state gem. Small mines in Oregon produce a range of material in various colors including peach, green, and red as well as dichroic specimens.

Tanzanian Sunstone

Sunstone from Tanzania, Illusion/Confetti. Close up of the hematite platelet inclusions.
Photo courtesy of Jamey Swisher