
From The Gemology Project
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We would like to thank the following people for the use of their images, data and many more.
Without them this project would not be what it is now.

  • Alain van Acker and Barbra Voltaire for their selfless dedication to the free availability of gemological information.
  • Edward Bristol at Wild Fish Gems for his generous gemstone photo donations.
  • Richard Kocurek
  • Rick Martin at Art Cut Gems for the generous use of his gemstone photos.
  • Gene Flanigan at Precision Gem for graciously offering us the use of his gemstone photos.
  • Steve Lembeck of Lembeck Gems for freely allowing the use his gemstone photos.
  • Kevin Schwebel, Handmade Enterprises for generously allowing us the use of his gemstone photos.
  • Jolyon Ralph from Mindat for letting us cross reference our data.
  • Brad Payne from The Gem Trader for the kind offer of the use of his gemstone photographs.
  • Peter Grumitt from Apsara and Top Gem UK for the use of his amazing inclusion pictures.
  • Richard Wise for the use of his Jeff Scovil photos from both R.W. Wise Goldsmiths and his book, Secrets of the Gem Trade.
  • Parels-AEL for the use of their photographs and information on pearls.
  • Chaman Golecha of the Gem Testing Laboratory, Jaipur, India for the wonderful additions and images.